Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Every Child is Unique.

When JC was 3 years old, his class teacher was concern as he still baby talks a lot. They did not understand what he was talking half the times! His teacher brought this matter up to me which I already consulted his paediatric way before teacher voiced anything. According to paediatric, JC was normal. Therefore, I told the teacher - he may be weak at his vocal but his other abilities are strong such as identified colours, shape, blocks & puzzle.

Later down the road, his class teacher told me he was the first child can drew a fish & a smiley face all by himself (even though the line was not perfect round/straight but you can easily identify it was a fish & a smiley face.)

Then he surprised his class teacher as he knew what is day & night and he can related both of them by singing :

Every day under the SUN,
Every night under the STAR,
Night & day,
I sleep & play.
He even sing twinkle twinkle little star for the night.

Now, he is in 4 years old class. His class teacher (different from his 3 years old teacher) insists me to bring him to do a psychology assessment. She compares JC with her other 23 students by saying "Your son is the only one who cannot talk properly and you should not giving him cheese as cheese contains a lot of carbohydrate that make him hyper-functioning." Then I was like o_O (in my heart was like "Are you sure?" - I told myself I will Google for information about this little thing called carbohydrate).

She does not even let him go to toilet if he did not ask properly. Another o_O. Her expectation is that, you must ask properly before she allowed you go to toilet and those words are "Teacher, may I go to toilet, please?"

My son put it this way :-
JC : Teacher, shee shee?
Teacher : I do not understand what are you talking. Talk properly
JC : Teacher,.... may.... I..............(stuck somewhere).... shee shee
Teacher : What is shee shee? It is toilet.
JC : Toilet
Teacher : Where is the magic word?
JC : Please.

Teacher also said he is very good in his colouring, he manages to colour a picture with multiple colours and once he is done, he will flip the paper and started to draw and colour them and tells teacher about his drawing.

She also added, my son totally not interested in Mandarin class. He would wonder off. Beside than that, she also claims that my son cannot take simple instruction unless she is very firm.

As a mommy, I think my son is fine.  He maybe slow at his vocal but his ability to think, his observation, his logical thinking and his analytical amazed me.

I believe God created every child to be unique.  Everything else, it is just a guideline.

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