Born in the year of Ping Ch'en, you belong to the Dragon Flying to Heaven.
Born in the year of Ping Ch'en, you belong to the Dragon Flying to Heaven.
You are prosperous, clever and active. Your many friends will be spread throughout the world. You will be financially comfortable in middle age. A woman born in either of these years will be a good mother and wife.
MonthYou are intelligent and your agile mind is buzzing with new ideas. Whatever your career, you will be more creative than people born in other months of the Dragon year. Whenever possible, you use your own intuition and rarely trouble others with trivial questions. You are frequently offered promotion because everyone appreciates your courage, intellect and energy. Although you are successful, do not be too greedy. Ensure that your enthusiasm for new ideas is not undermined by lack of research. Your horoscope is finely balanced between success and failure but your future is bright because the yin and yang in your character are well balanced.
You are calm, patient and reserved. Your appearance and attitude lead others to think you are unapproachable, although in fact you are warm-hearted. If you change your approach you will be more popular. You are suited to a career as an academic, particularly in the field of theology or philosophy. Because you cannot control your spending you will lose money as easily and as quickly as you make it.
You are manually dextrous and set yourself high standards. Although you are warm-hearted you do not like to make too many friends. A woman born in this hours can be obstinate. Others may be easily upset but you have the ability to forgive and forget. You are hardworking ans will be fortunate.
Unlucky ages : 10, 25, 35, 38, 48, 55
Age at death : 77
Suitable occupations : Surgeon, monk/nun, hotelier, artist, antiques dealer or work connected with metal.
Unsuitable occupations : Work connected with fire.
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