Monday, January 11, 2010

No School Day!

He came down with fever after 3 days of flu & cough, so no school for him today. Anyway, I sort of decided to stop him from this play school for a while and work on his phobia towards school before enroll him to another school.

When I saw him behaving like that, it really make my heart twisted and started to think, what have I done to him.

One thing I learned from this : it is never ever visit a child care center / any kindergarten during school holiday or public holiday. Be sure visit them when they are teachers and children are around. From there, if you like what you see and only enroll.

For me, 3 things are the most important:
  1. Teacher and helper / assistant must have plenty of patient.
  2. Environment is spacious and bright.
  3. Hygiene.

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