Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The O+12 Method to Conceive a Girl

O+12 (pronounced "oh plus twelve") is a method for conceiving a girl. The method advises intercourse about 12 hours after ovulation to conceive a girl. Thus the name O (for ovulation) plus 12 hours. O+12 is contrary to the Shettles method, which predicts a boy will be conceived on the day ovulation. (Note to boy-seekers: O+12 is a method for attempting to conceive a girl only.)

O+12 BackgroundThe O+12 method wasn't developed by a doctor, or published in a book. It was proposed by an Australian mother, a Shettles devotee who had six sons before stumbling on the idea that a girl might be conceived by timing intercourse just after ovulation, contrary to Shettles' advice. After giving birth at last to a daughter, she shared her method with other mothers, many of whom were successful in conceiving a daughter as well. Then the method reached the Internet, and here we are.
Click here to read Kynzi's story.

Here is the snippet of the story:

Son #1: No method, just whoopee!

Son #2: On the advice of a neighbor with daughters, Kynzi had frequent intercourse until 3 days before ovulation.

Son #3: Kynzi learned about Shettles, and feeling that timing was the most important factor, timed intercourse 3 days before ovulation.

Son #4: This time, she actually took the Shettles book to her doctor, who thought it was all really nonsense, but agreed to help her since it was all she had. For over a year, she charted her BBT (basal body temperature, to determine ovulation). She followed the girl diet, took calcium supplements, and used a vinegar douche with intercourse FOUR days before ovulation. Although she was told "girl" at the ultrasound, the result was son #4!

Son #5: Determined to master the Shettles method, Kynzi continued the girl diet, and conceived nearly FIVE days before ovulation. Wow, does her husband have Olympian-class sperm, or what?! Although she was yet again told at her ultrasound that she was carrying a long-awaited daughter, baby boy #5 was born.

Son #6: After a friend's daughter was conceived with a 2-day cutoff, Kynzi thought that maybe they were trying too early, and timed intercourse 2 days before ovulation. We can only hope that this time the ultrasound tech didn't hazard a guess -- because Kynzi and her husband took home their SIXTH son!

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