Monday, May 14, 2012

Teacher Day 2012

Jessie got back from school with his message book given by the school that noticed us, the parent, for anything events/activities will be happen in the near future.  So it happen, Teacher Day for Year 2012 is just around the corner.

When I told Jessie about the message saying that we are going to do a flower (or more if time permitted) for his class teacher.  He added a house for Ms C, his day care teacher, number for Ms E, his ASP teacher & a tree for Ms H, his principal.  I was very surprised by his reaction and meaning that these teachers mean a lot to him.  I got a lot to do during the weekend, a lot of art work to be complete.

First, we did the flower for his class teacher.  He drew a big purple circle for the petal, 2 small circles for the pollens.  When cutting half way, he said "Mommy, I cut not nice.  Please help me to cut."

He pasted them as I instructed him.  When come to the leaves, I only drew one leaf.  He cut half and I cut half.  When pasted the left, he added flower has 2 leaves.  I said one should be enough, then he said "No mommy, two leaves".

Jessie got his own high requirements when comes to flower.

It looks like big lollipop rather than flower.  We shall see what can we do to further improve it.

A house for Ms C, his day care teacher.  I guessed a picture frame of a decent house will do.  He cut the sun, paste it and highlighted it.  He gave it 2 eyes and a smile.

I cut the tree & drew the outline, he pasted it.

When come to clouds, must be three, such a requirements.  He drew the outline with guides.

The house must be pink (do not ask me why, Jessie loves it that way, LOL).  He drew the outline, pasted them and he said chimney is brown. He even drew 3 clouds of smoke coming out from the chimney.

The outcome came out quite nice.

Another 2 art works to go. How it going to looks like?  I am unsure myself.  One thing I knew, children have a great imagination. 

Jessie, you make my day.

Love you.

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