Thursday, May 5, 2011

JE's Solid Food

JE is 7 months today and I have yet start her on solid food as she has not show any development sign that she is ready for solid food such as the ability to sit upright unassisted, loss of the thrust reflex, the ability to grasp and bring objects/food to the mouth, an interest in food such as watching and mimicking others eating, and grabbing at food that others have. If you are confused when to start your baby on solid, read this article from connectedMom.

I have been thinking what will be JE first food. Avocado! I found this when I browsing through my recipe bible for baby which I consolidate during JC’s time.  I need to go shopping for avocado this weekend and try this recipe on her and see how she react.

Avocado! Is it a fruit or a vegetable?
Whatever it is it has incredible powers. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat the ‘good’ type of fat which helps prevent heart disease and can help lower bad cholesterol. The essential fats found in avocados are the building blocks of beautiful skin.. They are also one of the best sources of vitamin E which helps with wound healing a good complexion and strong immune system. Oh – and they also have the highest protein content of any fruit…

Avocados are sometimes thought of as a vegetable but they are actually a fruit and contain more nutrients than any other fruit - perfect for weaning baby. They are also rich in monounsaturated fat, the ‘good type’ of fat which helps prevent heart disease. The high calorie content of avocado makes it a good food for growing babies. Avocado is a great source of the free radical fighting antioxidant vitamin E, which also boosts the immune system. Avocado is easy to digest.

1 small avocado
Cut a small avocado in half, remove the stone, scoop out the flesh and mash together with a little of your baby’s usual milk.

From 6 months

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